Autonomous Learning April 06th

Continuing the page presentations

In this class we continue the presentations of the pages where Luisa showed us a very interactive, easy to use and for people of all ages.

What is duolingo?
"Duolingo is a website for free language learning as well as a crowdsourcing platform for translating texts. The service is designed in such a way that as the user progresses in their learning it helps to translate web pages and other documents."


Then they presented the page to us.

What is Vitutor?

"Is a platform of teletraining designed for online learning of different subjects.The project began with the specialization in Mathematics content, and we are working in other subjects, like English. In addition, we offer courses with a variety of interactive exercises, supported by a multidisciplinary teaching team."


Thanks for watching 😊


  1. What a good page Nico! This blog has complete information about our class. 📒💻


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