Autonomous Learning April 20th

Finishing the page presentations

In the class finished the last two groups of the presentations where they were shown like the last class very good websites by the classmates Maria Camila with Maria Paula and Melanie with Lino.

Saber Ingles

"Why is it necessary to learn English?
Today more than ever it is essential to learn English. But why? Firstly, because English is the tool that allows communication with people from other countries, beyond their mother tongue. It is indisputable: English has become the global communication language par excellence."

Learn English

This is an incredible page that fulfills its function of teaching in many ways with the skills of speaking, writing, listening and reading, with the help of test and grammar and vocabulary topics.

Drama across the curriculum

Finished the presentations the professor began to explain our new work based on a page called brainboxx in which we returned to forms working groups but this time was random through wikispace. The concept of drama across the curriculum is:
"In their quest to introduce more kinaesthetic techniques into their classrooms, many teachers toy with the idea of using "some kind of drama".  Unfortunately, many of them rarely go any further than that because they lack awareness of the various dramatic techniques available.  Listed below is a brief synopsis of a number of such techniques that can be used across the curriculum.  This guide is not intended to be exhaustive - and it certainly will not turn you magically into a "drama teacher". "


Thanks for watching 😊


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